Little League World Series Complex

Growing up as a young baseball fan, part of the fun of playing Little League baseball was the thought that one day I could possibly play in the Little League World Series, representing the United States against a team from a distant part of the world. Although this dream never materialized, or even came close, I had the fun as a grown adult taking my now 12-year old son to summer camp at the Little League World Series complex in South Williamsport, Pennsylvania.

For an exciting six days, my son Matthew had the opportunity to sleep in the same dorms and play on the same fields as the many kids I watched on TV playing in the World Series tournament. As a dad, I had the opportunity to live this dream of mine, through him. What a great experience it was, both for him and myself!

The week started off on a late Sunday afternoon with camp drop-off. After sending him on his way with a bag full of clothes and baseball gear, his mother and I made our way to downtown Williamsport to begin our week of fun. We stayed local throughout the week, enjoying the sites of Williamsport. Staying close allowed us the opportunity to cross over the river to the south side and watch Matthew and his new teammates practice and play in games throughout the week. The highlight of which took place on the Thursday of his week when he had the opportunity to play a game on the Howard J. Lamade field, the famous field seen each year during the championship game of the annual World Series Tournament. What a thrill that was for me as a dad, but more so for Matthew who hit a double to the wall in right center in his first at bat. In the time since, his double to the wall has gotten harder and longer as he tells his tale about his time in Williamsport.

It is still a dream of mine to make it back there to actually see a game or two during the Little League World Series tournament, but for now I have that great week to look back on fondly during my first trip to Williamsport.